Why I Like Free Migration

Summary: My long-term goal is open borders, because they're humanity's best tool for reducing global poverty. I favour a gradual easing of barriers to migration, with the long-term goal of globally open borders.

Arguments For:

My primary reason for the belief is the deluge of economic evidence that barriers to migration are the single most impoverishing distortion to the global economy. They cost us about US$78 trillion in global production (Sources 12, 3, 4, 5)

Enabling people to move to wherever their labour is most valuable would double world GDP. Migration is the single best policy tool humanity has for alleviating poverty (6)

Restricting people's movement is to deny them the opportunity to improve their quality-of-life and, for many, to condemn them to a lifetime of suffering.

Responses to Common Arguments Against:

What does this mean in practice?

I fully acknowledge that throwing all borders open instantly would likely lead to considerable conflict. Which borders should be opened when is conditional on a bunch of factors such as infrastructure, geopolitics, institutions, cultural distance, wealth disparities, etc. This is why I favour open borders as a long-term goal.

How would I achieve this? I'd like to see a gradual relaxation of barriers to movement among our existing interwoven system of tiered institutions: city < nation-state < regional groupings (EU, AU, ASEAN, Commonwealth) < globe (UN). For example, CANZUK would be a step in this direction.

This comment is therefore not intended to advocate for any specific immigration policy, but rather as a set of guiding principles.